File transfer

Transfer from camera

This script will transfer images from the falcon server to the biokem-storage server as they are captured. It will apply proper permissions for labs to access their files in the interim folder. This script will also push images to a PetaLibrary deposit folder, if specified. Should be run in a screen. It will also place the newest gain ref into that folder.

  /home/biokem_manager/scripts/facility/bin/transfer [options]
      -h,   (help)    show help message
      -s,   (source)  folder on falcon camera to be transfered
      -i    (interim) name of lab to transfer to in interim folder (i.e. luger-lab)
      -p    (pl)      optional flag to push data to petalibrary (i.e. luger-lab)
      -a    (amazon)  push to AWS bucket (i.e. ex1001)
      -g    (globus)  stage copy of folder in shareable globus collection

To use:

  1. Start screen on biokem-storage server.

    screen -S transfer (or other name)
  2. Start transfer

    transfer -s <folder> -i <lab name or "external"> <optional flags>
  3. Detach from screen

  4. The screen running the transfer will terminate itself after 1 hour of being idle.

Transfer to Globus

We have a Globus endpoint configured on the storage server. This should allow you to transfer images through CU’s Globus to wherever.

  1. Logon to the biokem-storage server.

  2. Start globus endpoint (this is a custom script, not a built in function)

  3. Start screen on biokem-storage server.

    screen -S transfer (or other name)
  4. Start transfer with the -g flag (this will sync another copy of data to the /data/globu_transfers folder)

    transfer -s <folder> -i <lab name or "external"> -g <optional flags>
  5. Detach from screen

  6. Logon to Globus

  7. If guest collection is already set up:

  1. Search biokem-guest

  2. Permissions

  3. Add Permissions

  4. Make sure path is / and add email

  1. If guest collection is not already set up:

  1. Search collection for biokem-storage

  2. Click share

  3. Add Guest Collection

  4. Fill out and Create Guest Collection

  5. Add Permissions

  6. Put in their email and Add Permission

  1. The users will see data as the transfer script deposits it.

  2. Once the user has gotten their data:

  1. Revoke access to the endpoint using the Permissions page

  2. End the globus enpoint


Transfer to AWS

AWS credentials are stored at /home/biokem_manager/scripts/facility/bin/s3_configs. A new one needs to be configured for every new users. AWS transfers are handled by the transfer script:

transfer -s <folder> -i external -a <ex1001 or other>

Transfer to networked server

When users are created on the storage server, their interim_storage will be configured to give only that lab access to their data. This way, they will only be able to copy their own data off the server and no one else should be able to see it. And example command, to be run on the user’s server can be found in getting External customers do not have access to the server, their data will be controlled by the facility manager.

Transfer to HDD